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Vanilla Bean Babies

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday ~ March 4th

Well, I have a dolly with a wig and all is done but painting her little face.  My mom made her the cutest little outfit.  Unfortunetely, I was under the weather a bit Tuesday and yesterday was just nuts and today I have a mid-day meeting at my son's school so when, oh when will I get that face done?  I am hoping tomorrow.  No sun today either.  The sun is due out tomorrow and warmer weather, yeah! 

Meantime, I do have my other dolls planned.  I had an idea I am anxious to try for a baby  pattern and still planning to do a rag doll in my Jennifer pattern with a different face.  Hmmm oh and I plan to make some more dollies from my Little Darling Pattern...  I sure wish I was faster.

Love & Hugs,


  1. Cannot wait to see your new dollies Kim I am sure they will be wonderful!

    Trish :o)

  2. Oh I cannot wait to see Kim! I know what ya mean about being faster. That is very much myself as well LOL

    Xoxoxxx Ree




Kelly Belle

Kelly Belle

~Grace Belle~

~Grace Belle~

~Jasmine Belle & Her Baby~

~Jasmine Belle & Her Baby~

~Violet Belle~

~Violet Belle~

~Jennifer Belle~

~Jennifer Belle~

Am I cute?

Am I cute?